66 Fast Facts About Ladybugs – These Will Amaze You

Ladybug Facts

When I first started liking Ladybugs – all those many years ago I quickly found out that there’s far more to Ladybugs than you might think. In spite of this, there’s not much information about how amazing these bugs (sorry – beetles) actually are. So here I’ve compiled the largest list of interesting facts about […]

Can Ladybugs Swim? Do They Drown, Can They Survive in Water?

Ladybug Facts

I’ve seen the occasional video here and there about Ladybugs swimming, but are they swimming? Or drowning? So I decided to find out more information and share it here. I’d hate to think of these little critters drowning in water, it’s just not a great way to go at all, so I know if I […]

How Ladybugs Fly: Height, Speeds, and Other Flying Facts

Ladybug Facts

Can ladybugs fly? Is one question. Sure they can, and the way in which ladybugs fold their wings is really an amazing feat of nature. I can’t think of many other creatures that fold their wings in quite the same way and then draw them in underneath a protective hood. But to look at them […]

How to Attract and Keep Ladybugs in Your Garden – A Guide

Ladybug Facts

Will ladybugs stay in my garden? There are plenty of reasons why you would want Ladybugs in your garden, they’re one of every gardener’s best friends for keeping cherished plants, flora, and fauna safe from unwanted pests. Not only that but they’re highly prized in agricultural sectors for the same natural benefits they bring with […]

How Do Ladybugs Protect Themselves: 6 Defense Mechanisms

Ladybug Facts

We think of Ladybugs as being cute, brightly colored beetles that fly around the garden doing good things for our gardens like little fairies bringing us good luck and joy. What we forget is that it’s a big world out there and it can be a ferocious environment to be in … even for a […]